As 2022 comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to check in with yourself and reflect on the year you had – what you loved, what you learned, and who you became – and to set your intention for 2023.

Journaling is a powerful way to bring your thoughts and feelings to the surface and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Personal writing allows you the space to be completely raw in order to grow, identify where healing may be needed, and become more self aware overall.

The writing prompts below will support you in reviewing your past year in a constructive way and creating a vision for your year to come. Strive to really dig deep and be descriptive in your answers for each prompt to get the highest value and elevate your energy going into 2023!

2022 Reflections

  1. List five things you’re grateful for experiencing or receiving in 2022.
  2. What was your favorite moment of 2022?
  3. What was your deepest lesson of 2022?
  4. What one word would you use to describe your overall experience in 2022? How did this word/theme show up in your life over the past year?
  5. What is one piece of advice you are giving yourself going into the new year?

2023 Vision

  1. What is your intention for 2023?
  2. Make a list of everything you are looking forward to in the coming year.
  3. What one word/theme do you want to describe your experience in 2023? How will you create this for yourself?
  4. Write a letter to yourself dated December 31, 2023 – speaking from that future date. Mentally take yourself to the end of 2023, and detail how the year went for you. Include all of your experiences, accomplishments, and every moment of joy. Write from your heart – don’t overthink – and be as vivid as possible! Save it to read on December 31, 2023.