The start of a new year is a perfect time to assess your personal health – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually – and to evaluate areas that you would like to improve. Sometimes our own wellbeing takes a backseat to work, people we care for, or life’s curve balls. While all of these competing priorities are important, balance is key. Overextending ourselves could limit our capacity to nourish ourselves in a way that is ideal for us. We are the ultimate priority – taking care of ourselves is the basis of taking care of our responsibilities and the people we love. If we are not well, it will be difficult to give of ourselves without suffering in some way. If we lack happiness, it will be hard to fully show up for our loved ones.

Here are four ways to make self care a priority in this new year and beyond.

1. Create and commit to a self care routine. Think of your favorite ways to care for yourself. This could mean going to the gym, scheduling regular spa days, getting dolled up and taking yourself out, or enjoying a warm healing bath. The idea is to make the activities that are important to you a regular part of your life to enhance your daily experience.

The Love Languages are a great reference for how to show yourself love in different ways. These concepts include physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, and gifts. We have an article (here) that provides examples of ways to love yourself in each love language.

2. Refresh your home. Changing your environment is a great way to bring new energy to yourself. Consider rearranging your furniture to change the look of your home, buying new décor, and exploring new essential oils and candles. There’s nothing like a fresh, cozy space curated intentionally around how you desire to feel. Home should always be your personal haven.

3. Establish a sleep routine. Create a schedule for yourself that includes a consistent sleep and wake time. Quality sleep is essential to our overall well-being, and creating a schedule will hold you accountable for getting a healthy amount. Our bodies are naturally primed to sleep in darkness and wake in light. Our circadian rhythm is an internal process that regulates this cycle and is responsive to our exposure to light and dark. Planning your sleep and wake schedule to align with sunset and sunrise supports this natural rhythm and in turn provides great benefits for your health.

4. Commit to a spiritual practice. Centering yourself spiritually is the highest act of love and appreciation for yourself. Connecting with God is connecting with the deepest parts of yourself. In creating a spiritual practice, consider what moves you internally and brings you peace. It could be daily intentional time for prayer, spiritual reading, writing, or meditation. It could also include yoga or breathwork. Create a sacred daily practice that feels right for you.

Intentionally taking time to care for yourself supports greater awareness, creativity, and confidence. With consistency, these ideas can elevate your energy and change how you show up for yourself and the world around you.

Photo: Monstera