For some, the winter and holiday season can be a time of peace, joy and rest. For others, it can be a heavy or stressful time of year that can come with a lot to manage mentally, physically and emotionally. This could include winter blues, caretaker responsibilities, grief and memories of loved ones, uncomfortable feelings associated with the holiday season, challenging family dynamics, and personal struggles.

Whether you are in a great space this season or experiencing some difficulty, here are a few things that can support you in managing stress, obtaining emotional and mental clarity, and finding balance during this time.

  1. Prepare for your day in advance. Do everything you can to plan your day the night before. Get your outfit ready, pack your breakfast/lunch, and organize your handbag. Make a list of the things you have to do, want to do but aren’t mandatory, and one small goal for the day that will bring you a sense of contentment to have completed. Check things off as your day progresses.
  2. Set an intention. Before you get your day started, while you’re washing your face or showering, take three deep breaths and clear your mind. Then, set an intention for the day ahead. Your intention could be as simple as showing love, staying focused, being of service, or being productive – make it personal to you. Write it in your journal, on a sticky note, or put it in your phone. Having this intention in mind throughout the day will keep you aligned with your desire and give you a positive point of reference when you get overwhelmed or your mind wanders.
  3. Meal prep. Cooking and trying to figure out what to eat can really be time consuming. To eliminate some of the guesswork from your days, plan and prepare your meals in advance. This saves significant time, allowing you to focus on other priorities. Identify a day and time of the week that is ideal for you to cook and stick to it, or order meal prep from a local service.
  4. Establish a sleep routine. You will need to budget your time based on your priorities. Create a daily schedule for yourself which includes a consistent sleep and wake time. This will hold you accountable for getting a healthy amount of sleep and ensure you plan enough time in your day to check off your to-do list.
  5. Do one special thing for yourself everyday, no matter how big or small. Fitting self care into our days is essential to living well. What makes you feel good? This could be going to the gym, getting your nails done, buying yourself a gift, or treating yourself to your favorite restaurant. It could also be taking 15 minutes to write in your journal, taking a salt bath, listening to a podcast, reading a book, or working on a passion project. Make time to do something intentional for yourself every single day – you deserve it.

Implementing these simple strategies can have an undeniable impact on your daily life. Being intentional about how you take care of yourself, and finding ways to do so no matter how limited your free time may be, can improve your situation and your outlook. Remember, we cannot pour from an empty cup. Making yourself a priority is key to living happily and will naturally enhance the other areas of your life.