
About the Brand

The Whole Honey provides guidance on personal development and self care. We work to inspire women to celebrate and take care of ourselves – to love ourselves inside out and to show up for ourselves everyday.

About the Founder

The Whole Honey is designed to help you tap into your power, navigate inner challenges, develop to your fullest potential, and freely be all that you are. I created this brand in a season of darkness that I wasn’t sure I would make it out of. I did the very hard, very confrontational self work, really dug deep, shed some layers and found new perspectives and parts of myself that would help me continue forward in life. The Whole Honey was birthed as what I needed when I hit that low.

One profound lesson I’ve learned is that healing and growth are a constant process. I don’t know that there’s a destination, and there is definitely no rush. We have the authority to feel, flow, and embrace – to move through the currents knowing they hold truth and connect us to everything we are meant to be. The beauty is in the process of life as a whole, embracing each experience with the best of us and finding peace moment to moment.

Let’s connect and continue the conversation on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or via the Contact page.

Love + Gratitude,


About the Name: The Whole Honey

Shannon created the brand name based on her love for the 90s, a time when culture was more authentic and raw. It’s a play on words. In the journey of life, Whole means fulfilled. Honey is a term of endearment that was used to describe beautiful women during that decade – it represents beauty and femininity.